Mama Rose :)

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Thursday, 31 March 2011
Kids went swmming with their Grandma
Even having a bad today,my mum is still happy surrounding by her grandkids and 2 of her little girls.Swimming...swmming, just look how happy she is :)
Kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan bukan semata-mata dari kekayaan.Untung ibuku,punya cucu yang sentiasa ada sisinya.
Al-Kisah Ibuku dgn Manusia Yang Angkuh & Riak
Alkisah manusia dimuka bumi ni,yang tak sedar diri, yang suka bersikap angkuh dan sombong.Kenapalah mesti nak ada sikap macam ni,tak taulah aku bila agaknya manusia ni nak sedar!!!!!
Hari ni ibuku datang mengadu tentang majikan dia.Ibuku nie jenis manusia yang memang tak suka duduk diam,umur dia taklah tua sgt,Dia memang aktif, professionnya Tukang Masak,ibuku ni memang pandai masak dan dia dh berpuluh tahun dgn profession ni.Ibuku nie bekerja di sebuah restoran di Seremban,RESTORAN RAKYAT yang terletak di Jalan Rahang,alah tempat D'nelayan lama tu. Aku pun pernah g sana ngan member2,masakan dia oklah,no complaint about that dan sape2 yang tinggal kat Seremban taulah tempatnye.Ibuku baru kerja kat situ, tak sampai sebulan pun tp selama ni tak pernah complaint apa2 pun tp hari ni lain pulak.,dan ini yang buat AKU SAKIT HATILAH SGT!!!!!
Kata ibuku, semalam taukeh lelakinya bagi kerja tambahan minta dia buatkan kuih sejenis-dua sebelum balik.Gaji taklah seberapa (RM35 sehari) tp kerja setengah mati, nak tambah lagi tp ibuku buatkan kejap.So hari ni, ibuku sekadarlah bertanya pada rakan2 sekerja kalau tukang masak lagi satu ada disuruh buat kuih,so tanya punya tanya ada pulak kaki ngadu.Apa lagi dtglh sang taukeh BETINA,dgn bengis dan sombong terus menempik ibuku, BAHASA bukan main lagi, ADAB pun tak ada...beringatlah yang kau berckp dgn tu org yang lebih tua walaupun dia tu pekerja kau.Tak salahkan kalau kau bercakap atau bertanya dgn berbudi bahasa sikit,apa nak menempik2 kasar, kitakan org melayu dan beragama Islam pulak tu.
Untuk org mcm ni,aku nak cakaplah ya,tak payahlah kau angkuh dgn status taukeh restoran kau tu,dan mungkin kau ni jenis baru nak jadi kaya kot tu pasal meyombong tak tentu pasal.Beringatlah,rezeki yang kau dpt tu dtg dr Allah so tak payahlah nak berlagak sgt.Kekayaan kau tu tak sebesar mana pun berbanding kekayaan ALLAH dan kau kena igt apapun ni muka bumi ni pinjaman je, bila kita balik nnt apa yang kau pakai, aku pakai dan ibuku pakai sama je,kain kapan yang tak berjahit,dan kita ni tetap miskin di mata ALLAH.Duit yang kumpul byk2, status kaya yang rasa kau ada tu, tak ada maknanya dimata ALLAH.So sedarlah diri sikit sebelum terlambat.Jgn kau igt mak aku kerja dgn kau,kau boleh sesuka hati nak berlagak dan bercakap tanpa budi bicara,mungkin jugak kau ni memang tak ade pelajaran dan mak bapak kau tak ajar tatasusila melayu serta pendidikan agama mcm mana nak menghormati org yang lebih tua dari kita.Ibuku masih ada anak dan cucu2 and kita org ni bukanlah miskin sgt nak EGO mcm kau so belajarlah BERADAB DAN BERBUDI BAHASA.Pandanglah cermin dan cerminkanlah diri kau sebaik-baiknya,muka dahlah mcm tu,lagi nak muncung2 mcmlah kaya sgt.Beringatlah kekayaan boleh hilang bila2 kalau tak pandai nak bersyukur,tak payah nak berlagak dan menujuk-nunjuk!!!!dan pleaselah belajar hormati org walapaun org tu pekerja kau mahupun org miskin yang kau jumpa tepi jalan.,sebab apa2pun boleh terjadi.
Dan bagi aku pulak,sorilah kalau aku ngan member2 nak makan lagi kt restoran bodoh nie,buat tak berkat je makan kat situ.Banyak lagi restoran kt Seremban nie yg masakannya memang sedap2 dan taukeh2nye manis air mukanya serta mempunyai budi pekerti yang mulia....
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Trying To Hold on
I don't know if I continue, even today, always liking myself. But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself. It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes- it is inevitable. But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, 'well, if I'd known better I'd have done better,' that's all. So you say to people who you think you may have injured, 'I'm sorry,' and then you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry.' If we all hold on to the mistake, we can't see our own glory in the mirror because we have the mistake between our faces and the mirror; we can't see what we're capable of being. You can ask forgiveness of others, but in the end the real forgiveness is in one's own self. I think that young men and women are so caught by the way they see themselves. Now mind you. When a larger society sees them as unattractive, as threats, as too black or too white or too poor or too fat or too thin or too sexual or too asexual, that's rough. But you can overcome that. The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself. If we don't have that we never grow, we never learn, and sure as hell we should never teach.
You can close your eyes from the things you don’t want to see but you can never close your heart from the things you don’t want to feel. |
Monday, 28 March 2011
The end of a great week!
End of a great!!I had lots of happy and incredible things happening this week.And I'm bless for everything that had happen.And the happiest and greatest of all news is that my my 4rd baby girl pass her SPM and she did well then I expected and I am really proud with her achievement.
In life sometimes we just can't expect what will happen but as parents,our prayers are the best for our kids.I went through a lot, a few years back.From having a down fall and stressing life to having a simple,average and happy life.Sure its not a perfect day everyday but its better then what I have gone through.When I was a single mum with 5 young kids, everyday was a stress day coz the only thing in my mind was this 5.Everything about them worries me and the most was their education and the friends they mixed up.I had a really hard time handling them and Yes, there was trouble now and then but I did resolve it sooner or later and it was really tiring and stressful but now everything are memoirs...Kids are growing well and great but still they have a long way to go and I'm still around to help them grow.
Now,I expect the unexpected from my kids coz everyday they have new things for me to learn from them as a MUM.
Starting Point!!!!!
What a great day,just started my blog today with the help of my baby of the new era,they really know their way around computers,me I'm more to playing games in my is beautiful with all the children around us and I don't think I will have a single smile without them.They are the ones, whose lighting out the worlds with their smile,their laughs and their cries....I love kids and not only my 5 but all kids around the world.Big mummy love for all..xoxo
I still remember when I have my 1st born.Yeah,right,,I did swear, I don't wanna have any more child after suffering several hours of labor paint but when I heard her 1st cry,I was happy for having the pain coz it was worthy and then I have 4 more, the pain was still unbearable but I all my 5 are grown up,going through their teenage life and mummy now is having unbearable ear drum pains listening to their screams and speech fights but still they love each other after :D
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