Mama Rose :)

Mama Rose :)

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Friday, 20 May 2011

Love being MEEEE....!!!!!!!!

Hoorrayyyy,its Saturday....the weekends here, and I'm just happy doing all my chores.From cleaning the house, doing the laundry and finishing cooking my lunch and all is done and now my comp and the schedule of the day is between me and my comp for the next 6 and beware if anyone tries to distract me :D
But really miss my 2 girls, my puteri is in Shah Alam going about with her life and studs and my princess in Melaka, going about her, its a bit odd when  2 are out and the house is a bit more quiet but honestly,  I'm missing the chaos that have been going on for the past 7 years this is when my kids were in high school, listening to them screaming at each other over the whose going to the bathroom, running off trying to catch the bus, fighting over lessons when they have to tutor each I do really miss those time....
Now each of my babies are turning into beautiful, charming and adorable adults, who do provoke me I don't mind at all coz each seconds of the day that I spent with them is the most precious memories that will keep me going for the rest of my life.I am proud being a mum in a young age and I'm proud to have great kids, they are not 100% PERFECT but still they are normal human beings growing up just like they should be.Can't ask for more than that and definitely I won't ask for more.I just pray that everything will be okay for them and they will always be safe in God hands and  I won't let anyone hurt them or they will see the very...very ...very DARK SIDE of  Mama Rose.
So, Babies no worries about your Hot Crazy, I will be fine even if I do feel exausted some of the day but everything is cool and I love being myself and being busy with my life.Just keep growing like normal people does.And be happy always coz you got a very crazy going Mama in your life :D

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