Mama Rose :)

Mama Rose :)

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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

New in life!!!!!!!!!.......

What a great day!!!!new job, new enviroment.its been 2 days me and my new job.Love it and happy...for the 1 and the half year,i've spent my life as a full time housewife but now got 2 jobs.1 as a housewifeand 2nd as a isn't it.Great job and quiet the place, got my own time doing and learning to do my job and a great boss I have....  :D
The surroundings is quiet and u can see cars past by all day long.People outside the building are busy doing what they do everyday and during lunch everyone is gathering at nearby restaurant or cafe, eating and chit chatting or been a long time since I've seen that, and I really enjoy it.Today the weather is great.the whole day was sunny and warm...but yesterday it was terrible...the thunder storm and heavy rain stop everyone from going home coz the rain was storm was overwhelming and the downpour rain was not stopping and I did arrive home quite late..
Today,its opposite, the weather is perfect and I got home earlier than yesterday and got time to log in and attend a few  of games before I go to bed...Just hope that my job will be okay and my boss will always be happy :)

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